


The name of the Club is: Chisholm Links Golf Club Incorporated.


The object of the members of the Club is playing the game of Golf. The primary

purpose of the Club is to provide the environment and facilities that support the

playing of Amateur Golf.


The Club consists of those persons who are members in accordance with these



All members shall be elected in accordance with Rule 5 (See also Appendix A).

Membership Categories:

(a) FULL MEMBERS - Female members or male members that have applied and

been accepted to be members of the Club by the relevant Sections. They have

full voting rights and unrestricted access rights to the Course, Clubhouse and

other facilities of the club subject to availability as determined by the Board of


(b) WEEKDAY MEMBERS - Members accepted through the usual acceptance

processes but restricted to playing on the course Monday to Friday inclusive.

They are not eligible to enter Club competitions and will be required to pay Green

Fees to play on the Weekend. These members will have the same non-playing

privileges as Full Members.

(c) SEASONAL MEMBERS - Members accepted through the usual acceptance

processes as Summer (1st October to 31st March) or Winter (1st April to 30th

September) members. They are not eligible to enter Club competitions and must

pay green fees if playing out of their nominated season. They will have the same

non-playing privileges as Full Members during the term of their membership.

(d) JUNIOR MEMBERS - Members still attending school. Junior members with an

official handicap may play in section competitions at the discretion of the Section

concerned. They may use the Clubhouse and facilities under the supervision of


(e) STUDENT MEMBERS - Members that have left school and are attending a full

time tertiary course or apprenticeship. These members have the same rights as

Full Members.

(f) NINE HOLE MEMBERS – Members who choose to play nine holes. These

members will be eligible to play and participate in competitions, championships

and social events according to their 9 hole status. These members will have the

same non-playing privileges as Full Members.

(g) LIFE MEMBERS - Members nominated by and endorsed by the relevant section

of the Club having satisfied certain agreed criteria and having been supported at

the Annual General Meeting of the Club by not less than 75% of the members

eligible to vote. These members have the same privileges as full members.

(h) SOCIAL MEMBERS - Members that are accepted into the club with limited

privileges. They may participate in social competitions and use the clubhouse and

facilities but are not eligible to enter Club competitions. They must pay Green fees

at all times to play the course. They have no voting rights.

(i) HONORARY MEMBERS - Full Members of the Club for not less than ten (10)

years and not able to continue playing golf because of age or ill health.

Applications for Honorary membership can be considered by the respective

sections and then referred to the Board of Management for confirmation. These

members have the same privileges and non-playing rights as Full Members.

(j) INTRODUCTORY MEMBERS - Members accepted into the Club for up to three

months having not been members of any golf club previously (they may renew

their 3 month membership only once). They have the use of the Clubhouse and

facilities and open access to the course seven (7) days a week for the duration of

their limited membership. They have no voting rights.


Every application for membership must be proposed by one and seconded by

another member of the Club. The supported application (on an appropriate form) is

forwarded to the Section Secretary for consideration at their next meeting where a

majority of two thirds of the votes cast at the respective Section Committee meeting

is required to be elected. When a new member is elected the Secretary of the

respective Committee shall furnish them with a copy of the Rules of the club and

request him or her to pay the appropriate subscription. No new member shall

participate in any of the privileges of the Club until he or she has paid the subscription.

Life Members shall only be elected at an Annual General Meeting. No person shall

be elected a Life Member unless they have a majority of three quarters of the votes



The Board of Management may increase or decrease any class of Annual

Subscription as it thinks fit, such increase or decrease to be ratified at the Club’s next

Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for that purpose. The

annual subscription shall be due and payable on 1st April each year and shall be paid

to the Board of Management Secretary. Any member failing to pay his or her annual

subscription or failing to contract to a periodic payment plan by 30 April of any year

shall not be entitled to the privileges of the Club until his or her subscription is paid.

If a member’s subscription remains unpaid as at 30 April the respective Committee

may order his or her name to be struck off the list of Members and he or she shall

thereupon cease to be a Member.

( Subscriptions year amended by 2019 AGM resolution to be 1st October to 30th

September. Subscriptions to be paid by 31st October. )

Part year Full Membership Subscriptions shall be set at the discretion of the Board of

Management on application by member to the Board.

A member on paying his or her subscription is thereby held to have submitted himself

or herself to the Rules of the Club and on that condition only is entitled to the

privileges of the Club.

The Board of Management may levy Members a sum over and above the annual

subscription, to be paid at the same time as the subscription, in order to provide

additional facilities for the Club: such levy is to be proposed and agreed to by vote ata previous General Meeting of the Club, the purpose and disposition of the levy being

declared at that time.


The Board of Management shall be empowered to impose an entrance fee at any



Any person may cease to be members of the Club by notifying the Secretary of their

respective section in writing of their intention prior to 31st March; otherwise they shall

be liable for their subscription for the coming year or part thereof as decided by the

management committee.

( Amendment to date – passed at 2019 AGM – change resignation date to 30th

September )


The Board of Management, on its own resolution may cancel the membership of any

member whose conduct or general behavior in the opinion of the Board of

Management renders such member’s continued membership undesirable or is likely

to endanger the character, good order or welfare of the Club or in any other way

reflect adversely upon the Club and its membership.

Further, on the requisition of Six (6) members it shall be the Board of Management’s

duty to call a General Meeting to consider the expulsion of any member. At such

meeting the number present shall not be less than fifteen (15), and the voting shall

be by ballot.

In the event of its being voted at such meeting by two thirds of the members present,

that the name of such member be removed from the list of Members of the Club, they

shall thenceforth cease to belong to the Club or have any claim against the property

of the Club.

The expelled member shall remain liable for any outstanding payments due to the



A Board of Management consisting of the President and Four (4) elected members

and a Secretary/Treasurer will undertake the management of the Chisholm Park Golf

Club Inc. The Secretary/Treasurer will not be eligible to vote at the Board Meetings.

The Board shall elect a Chairperson annually at its first meeting following the Annual

General Meeting. Three members shall form a quorum. A meeting of the Board of

Management may be held either:

(1) By the number of Board of Management members (3) who constitute a quorum,

being assembled together at the place, date and time appointed for the meeting:


(2) By means of audio, or audio and visual communication by which all Board of

Management members participating and constituting a quorum can

simultaneously hear each other throughout the meeting.

Only members with the same privileges as full members are eligible for election to

the Board of Management of the Club.Members will be voted onto the Board of Management for a period of two (2) years

and Two (2) members will retire at the end of each two yearly interval, but be eligible

for re-election by the members at the Annual General Meeting. Should a vacancy

arise within the two-year term, the Board of Management will be empowered to fill

the vacancy until the next election.

The Board of Management will manage the affairs of the Club, take into consideration

all applicable statutory and regulatory legislation and shall have the power to make,

alter or rescind Bylaws not repugnant to the Rules or Act, for the general comfort and

accommodation of members, and all regulations made by the Board of Management

and orders given by them shall be binding on members until set aside by a General

Meeting. It shall have power in the name of the Club to enter into an agreement or

agreements it may think necessary, in the management of the affairs of the Club.

The Board of Management shall have the power to appoint Committees. All

Committees shall be subordinate to the Board of Management of the Club.

The Board of Management shall make a report to the Annual Meeting on the state of

the Club generally. Notices posted in the Club House on behalf of the Board of

Management, other than those calling General and Special Meetings, shall be

considered sufficient notice to Members.

The Board of Management of the Club shall be empowered to borrow upon the

security of its real or personal property such monies as may, from time to time, be

required for carrying on the operations of the club for providing more facilities for its

Members either in improvement of the grounds or Club House, or any other purpose,

and may execute any and all such mortgages, pledges or securities; as may be

necessary to secure the repayment thereof. The Board of Management of the Club

shall be empowered, from time to time, to purchase or take on lease, at such sum or

at such rental as may be arranged, such lands as in the opinion of the Board of

Management may be considered most suitable.


The Board of Management will appoint a Secretary/Treasurer to attend to the

administration of the club’s affairs. The Board of Management will fix the

remuneration and determine the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer that will include:

• Attending to correspondence

• Keeping full and correct minutes of all Board of Management and General


• Keeping appropriate records of all Deeds and other documents belonging to The

Chisholm Park Golf Club Inc

• Keeping a register of all Members and their addresses

• Receipting all monies received

• Managing the bank account and attending to all operations thereon that are to be

signed by the Secretary/Treasurer and another officer or Member of the Board of

Management as the Board may, from time to time, authorize

• Attending to the payroll and employee records of staff employed by the Board of


• Submission at the Annual General Meeting of the Financial Statements of the

Club for the previous year.

• Other duties as determined by the Board of Management12 EMPLOYEES OF THE CLUB

The Board of Management will employ such persons as are required for the running

of the Club. They will include Green Staff, Bar Staff and other required employees.

The Board of Management will establish conditions of employment and evidence

such in employment agreements carrying both parties signature.


The Members of The Chisholm Park Golf Club Inc shall elect at the Annual General

Meeting an Auditor to audit the Financial Statements of the Club as at the last day of

March, for the twelve months preceding such date.

( 2019 AGM resolution passed to amend the audit of the Financial Statements of the

Club as at the last day of June for the twelve months preceding)


The Members of The Chisholm Park Golf Club Inc shall elect at the Annual General

Meeting a President. None but a Full Member shall be eligible to hold the office of

President. The approved form showing the names of those wiling to act, together

with those of their Proposers and Seconders and signed by the Nominee, shall be

posted in the Club House not later than 5pm on the Saturday immediately preceding

the day of the aforesaid Annual General meeting. The President shall be ex-officio,

a member of all Committees. The President will make a report to the Annual Meeting

on the activities of the Club generally.


The Board of Management may contract for services and with suppliers.

These contracts include but are not limited to contracts for;

(a) Professional Golf Services

(b) Catering Services

All contracts will detail Contractors responsibilities with respect to Health and Safety

and Environmental Legislation.


The members of the Men’s, Midweek Ladies’ and Weekend Ladies sections shall, at

their Annual General Meetings, elect from their members a committee of sufficient

number of members to cover all duties and decide the number of members required

to form a quorum. At all Section Annual General Meetings and Special General

Meetings the following number of members shall form a quorum. Men’s section 40

members, Midweek Ladies’ section 20 members, Weekend Ladies’ section 20


( Amendment to paragraph 1 of Clause 16 ( Committees ) passed by resolution at

2019 AGM. The final sentence to be changed to :

Men’s section : 10% of current men’s membership, with a minimum of 20 members.

Womens Sections: 10% of current women’s section membership, with a minimum of

10 members.

The appropriate form showing the names of Members willing to act, together with

those of their Proposers and Seconders and signed by the Nominee, shall be posted

in the Club House not later than 5pm on the Saturday immediately preceding the day

of the aforesaid Annual General Meeting. If the names proposed be in excess of thenumber provided for in the Rules, a ballot shall be taken. Committees may fill

vacancies that arise during the year or that arise due to insufficient nominations at

the Annual Meeting to the levels agreed as appropriate for the section concerned.

The Secretaries of each Committee shall immediately after the Annual General

Meeting report the result of such elections to the Board of Management through

communication to Secretary/Treasurer of the Club.

Each Committee will include a Club Captain, Deputy Club Captain, Secretary and

Treasurer. All members of committees will be members of the Club with full

membership privileges, except that none but a full member will hold the office of Club

Captain, Deputy Club Captain. The Club Captain or Deputy Club Captain shall chair

all meetings of the Committee.

The Secretaries of each Committee shall keep proper Minutes of all proceedings at

Annual and other General Meetings and the Board of Management of The Chisholm

Park Golf Club Inc shall have the right to inspect all such Minutes. Each Committee

shall have the power to issue its own handicaps and to arrange, subject to these

Rules and the Regulations of the Chisholm Park Golf Club Inc Board of Management,

Competitions and Matches for their respective sections and, subject to the Rules of

the Club, to deal with all other matters which the Board of Management may by

resolution empower them to deal with.

Chisholm Park Golf Club Inc (Social Committee) The Chisholm Park Golf Club Inc

shall form a Social Committee comprising eight (8) members to be elected at the

Annual General Meeting of the Club. The purpose of the Committee is to arrange

suitable Social Functions during the golfing year.


A Public Notice in local newspapers shall be given of the Annual General Meeting

and all Special General Meetings at least Seven (7) days before such Meeting.

Annual Report and Financial Statements to be posted in the Clubhouse at least

Seven (7) days prior to the Annual Meeting and copies to be made available to


A Special General Meeting shall be convened whenever the Board of Management

considers it necessary to do so, or whenever Twenty (20) members request it: if in

the latter case such meeting is not called within 14 days, then the said Twenty (20)

members shall have he power to call such a meeting. At all General Meetings Fifty

(50) Members shall form a quorum.

( Amendment to General Meeting quorums passed by resolution at 2019 AGM to

change paragraph 2 of Rule 17 ( General Meetings ) to “ At all General meetings the

quorum shall be 10% of the current membership, with a minimum of 25 members. )

All members with voting rights are entitled to participate in General Meetings of the

Club. All voting shall be by a show of hands, and in the case of the votes being

equal the Chairman of the Meeting shall be entitled to the casting vote. Provided,

however, that if any member present should require the voting be by way of ballot,

such voting shall be taken by ballot in the ordinary way.

At the Annual General Meeting the following positions may be filled: Patrons,

Patroness, and Honorary Vice Presidents. The Annual General Meeting of TheChisholm Park Golf Club Incorporated shall be held within 90 days of the Balance

date each year.


The colours of the Club shall be Dark Blue and Light Blue. The Board of Management

may use various mixes of colours for Business and Marketing opportunities.


The Rules of the game as played by the Club shall be those of the Royal and Ancient

Golf Club of St Andrews for the time being, except as they may be varied by the Local

Rules of the Club.


The use of golf carts (i.e. ride-on motorised vehicles) during a competition is permitted

unless their use is specifically prohibited by the relevant Committee.

(a) Mode of transport to be approved by BOM/Greenkeeper.


An existing Rule may be altered or rescinded and any new Rule may be added with

the consent of the Members present at a Special or an Annual General Meeting called

for the purpose. Public Notice in local newspapers shall be given at least Seven (7)

days prior to such Meeting and notice of such proposed addition or decision be

posted in the Club House at least Seven (7) days prior to such Meeting.


All complaints shall be made by Members to the Secretary or other member of the

respective Committee in writing, and similarly any suggestions for the improvement

or alteration of the Club’s property, Rules or Regulations shall be submitted in writing.

All changes of address of members shall be immediately communicated in writing

to the Secretary/Treasurer.

All members shall be bound to submit to the Rules and Regulations of the Club.


On the dissolution or winding up of the Club, all its assets shall be realized in a

manner to be decided at a Special Meeting called for this purpose, and after payment

thereof of all debts owing by the Club and all costs of and incidental to such Meeting

may decide.

No property whatsoever shall be distributed among the members.


No member of the Club or any other person associated with a Member shall

participate in or materially influence any decision made by the Club in respect of the

payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit

or advantage whatsoever.

Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would have been

paid in arms length transaction (being the open market value).

The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from these rules, and

shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.


The Club shall have a Common Seal which shall be kept in the Custody of the

Secretary/Treasurer, and shall only be affixed to documents at a Meeting of the Board

of Management or in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Management: and the

affixing of same shall always be attested by at least two Members of the Board of
